Richard DuFour

Richard DuFour, EdD, was a public school educator for 34 years. A prolific author and sought-after consultant, he is recognized as one of the leading authorities on helping school practitioners implement the PLC at Work™ process.

Do PLCs Enable Students to Act Irresponsibly by Asking Educators to Assume Greater Responsibility for Learning?

Those familiar with our work know that we contend schools committed to helping all students learn provide students who are not being successful with additional time and support for learning in a way that is timely, directive, and systematic. This proposal is sometimes met with skepticism by those who feel a system of interventions “enables” students. They argue that if students fail to study, fail to complete their work, or fail to meet deadlines, they should suffer the logical consequence of their actions—failure. This consequence, the argument goes, will teach the student to become more responsible in the future.

When this challenge is raised, we respond with the following questions:

  1. Can we agree that virtually all educators would prefer their students demonstrate self-discipline, a strong work ethic, the ability to manage their time in order to meet deadlines, diligence, resilience, and other qualities that might come under the general heading of responsibility because those qualities increase the likelihood of student success?
  2. Can we agree that some students do not demonstrate these qualities?

If we can agree on the first two questions, the only question to be resolved is how can we instill these qualities in students who are not innately responsible? Anyone who has ever taught should be willing to acknowledge that if students are told, “You must do this work and turn it in on time, or you will fail,” some students will be perfectly content to fail. Allowing them the option of not doing the work merely reinforces their irresponsibility. A school that is committed to helping all students learn—helping all students acquire the knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential to their success—will teach students to demonstrate responsibility by insisting students do what responsible people do.

As parents, we would never consider telling our own child, “You must mow the lawn by Saturday, and if you don’t mow it by Saturday, you will never have to mow it!” Yet, educators continue to defend taking that exact position with other people’s children. It is illogical to argue that we teach students responsibility by allowing them to choose to be irresponsible, and we have a century of evidence that this strategy does not work!

Consider two very different schools. The staff of the first school exhorts students to study for tests, complete their homework on time, and persevere if they experience initial difficulty. Alas, some of their students elect to ignore these admonitions. Teachers then impose a penalty—failing grades or zeros on missed assignments. In effect, students are free to opt for the penalty rather than do the work. The second school offers no such option. If students do not put sufficient time into their studies, the staff requires them to spend time in a tutorial situation. If students do not complete their homework, they are placed in an environment where completion of homework is carefully monitored. This school strives to teach students responsibility by insisting students act responsibly—even if under duress—in the hope that students will ultimately internalize the lesson. Which of these schools is holding students accountable? Which has “enabled” irresponsible behavior?

A pyramid of interventions is not the same as saying that students should not experience consequences for lack of effort or irresponsible behavior. It is reasonable to provide students with incentives for completing their work on time and consequences for failing to meet deadlines or achieve the acceptable standard of work. A school that made learning its primary focus, however, would never consider absolving the student of the responsibility for completing an assignment as an appropriate consequence—particularly if the assignment was given with the assumption that it would promote student learning.

When schools make working and learning optional, both students and teachers can take the easy way out. Conversely, when schools create an effective system of interventions, students are held accountable. Their schools bombard them with the message, “We will not let you off the hook. We will see to it that you do what is necessary to be successful. We won’t place you in a less rigorous curriculum, nor will we lower our standards for this course or grade level. We will give you the support, time, and structure to help you be successful, but we will not lower the bar.” This approach is the antithesis of enabling.


Marigel DeLeon

I see some great ideas that could be implemented. I personally think that interventions do not relieve students from their responsibilities. I think that when they address the true reason they are enabling the student to succeed. When the interventions are not working they need to be documented and changed. Many interventions may need to take place in order for a student succeed. No one succeeds at the first try.

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Brian Hoelscher

Many of the students that do not complete their work are counting on teachers to get angry with them and give up on them in the name of teaching "responsibility". They don't want to do the work and there is little or no support at home. This is where accountability becomes the crux of the issue--for both the student and the teacher. Teachers know that giving the zero to this student is not going to make a bit of difference and the student understands that if he/she just waits long enough, everyone gives up and lets him/her walk away with the zero. Any teacher that states they are giving zeros to teach responsibility is completely disingenuous. This is a cop out. Plain and simple. This is a teacher giving up, but trying to feel better about him/herself by chalking it up to a more noble social cause. Many teachers don't like "No Zero" policies. It is work. It takes organization and requires a passion to help kids not a passion to get a pound of flesh from students.

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I think that this is the core of the problem on the subject of student responsibility. The problem is at home and that fact that parents have never made these kids be responsible for anything. In my state we have "Schools of Choice" and this is a huge problem for schools because administrators want parents to be happy and therefore cave to every demand. On my last "teachers only" day this school year I had a parent bring her son to my room to do enough work to pass the class. Now mind you, this was suppose to be the day that I was to use to clean up my room, print off my grades, and generally just check out for the year. But I knew that she would be hiking to the principals office if I told her no, so I let him work in the room until he passed the class. No consequences, no responsibility, no backup from administrators. This is what the real world looks like to a teacher now. I fear for our country when these students are the ones in charge!

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Teaching Students to be Responsible with PLCs | AllThingsPLC

[...] a blog post last year called Do PLCs Enable Students to Act Irresponsibly? (February 16, 2010), I presented the premise that schools should do more than hope students act [...]

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If we are really teaching students "life skills" such as responsibility through RTI and not penalizing them for late or missing work but "directing" and forcing them to do it eventually, then shouldn't those lessons be transferable? Is the lead actress who misses the last two weeks of rehearsal going to be kept in the role? If a football player is late for the game, does the game wait for him? If the basketball captain doesn't arrive until second quarter, will he still start in the next game? Just more of my concerns...

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Are we preparing students to mow a lawn in their future? How long will someone last at a job who is always late, can't meet a deadline, or can not complete a task without going through a series of interventions? If I arrive at the gate 10 minutes after the flight leaves, am I directed to just get on the next flight? How long do we keep pulling the toddler's hand away from the stove before we let him or her experience the consequence of touching it so they never do it again? How do we instill or teach accountability in our students if there is always someone there to "direct" (force) them to be responsible. Should education be about equal results ("...ensure [force] all students learn at a high level...") or equal opportunity? Where do the interventions end? If a student can not complete work without a series of RTI in elementary school, middle school, and high school because he or she has been taught to expect and rely on the RTI pyramid, then that student will need extra support in college, and when he or she gets to the work force, the company will have to employ an RTI specialist so the employees can have someone to "direct" (force) them to be responsible employees. Will we eventually "teach" a generation of dependent and entitled students instead of independent problem solvers?

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Interestingly enough, this was the topic of our Student Assistance Program meeting last week. We were questioning whether or not our policy of requiring students to redo tests scores of less than 80% (which is a "C" on our grading scale) and scheduling students for "Homework Lunch" if they did not complete their assignments was actually teaching or enabling our middle school students. After reading this article and reviewing our data from this past year, I am convinced that these types of intervention are necessary in the development of some students. Our Hierachy of Intervention not only includes redoing sub-par work, our Student Assistance Program, and Homework Lunch, but also Assigned After School Tutoring, Strategic Monitoring by teacher and/or Title I instructor, Small Group Work, and Direct Intervention. It also includes classroom teachers, Title I teachers, a social worker, our principal, adult volunteers, teen volunteers, our librarian, our secretary, and anybody else who is willing to help our children. It all comes back to what we are called to do...teach our students, not fail them.

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Chris Jakicic


When all of the teachers in a school agree to work collaboratively to make sure that all students are provided the time and support they need to assure they are learning, the overall results are maximized. In a traditional school, teachers each work independently to find solutions to students who either can’t do the work or won’t do the work. These solutions are independent and students know that different teachers will use strategies. In a Professional Learning Community teachers agree to work collaboratively in solving problems which results in the students seeing that all teachers are committed to their success. At the middle school where I was principal, the teachers established a “Zeroes Aren’t Permitted (ZAP)” program to help students get their homework done, as a part of our intervention system. When a student didn’t have his/her homework completed before lunch, that student was assigned lunch time with an instructional assistant in a classroom. They were allowed to eat lunch but also were expected to complete the missing assignment during that period. The person who supervised this classroom was one of the people who had previously supervised the lunchroom during that period. Thus, no additional staff were needed and teachers were able to have their own lunch. If a student came to class after lunch without his/her homework done, they were assigned to the ZAP room during the next day’s lunch.

Here’s why this plan was successful. First, it was one of a number of interventions the staff implemented for students who needed more time and support. Teachers used different interventions for students who wouldn’t do the work than they did for students who couldn’t do the work. Secondly, because all of the staff used the same interventions, students knew that, no matter who their teacher was, the same set of consequences occurred if they didn’t have their homework. After a few weeks of implementation, the number of students without homework declined significantly. Those of us who have successfully implemented intervention programs have probably all had the experience of a student saying to us “You know, it’s easier to just do my work than to try to figure out a way around the system.”

You thoughtfully raise one unexpected issue that we had to address; there were a few students who had social issues and preferred to be in a smaller setting during lunchtime. These students didn’t do their homework because they wanted to be assigned to the ZAP room. For these students, the social worker became involved in helping them have a better lunchtime experience.

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Rick Dufour


I have a couple of problems with your response. First, it appears that you are unable to let go of the idea that it is the sole responsibility of the classroom teacher to hold students accountable. The entire reason for implementing a schoolwide systematic approach to this intervention is to acknowledge the limits of what the individual classroom teacher can do and to provide a collective response that removes some of the burden from hard-working teachers. In schools that have done this successfully, teachers are relieved to learn that this support is available for their students because it is beneficial to students and teachers alike. The systematic approach goes beyond what can be done within the confines of a single classroom or the efforts of an individual teacher. It should be exactly what you are looking for based on your description of the demands you are facing.

Second, if we as educators are unwilling to provide the time and support essential for student learning for students who do not get that support at home, we are dooming some students to fail on the basis of their socio-economic status. Schooling then becomes a process for sorting and selecting the winners from the losers on the basis of the homes from which they come. I don't subscribe to that theory, and suggest we should abandon all pretense of a commitment to help all students learn if those who need extra time and support are regarded as a burden we are unwilling to support.

Third, schools with some of the lowest per pupil expenditures in the country have been able to establish systems of intervention within their existing resources. For example, schools in Utah which rank dead last in per pupil expenditure in the U.S. and schools in California which have been ravaged by repeated budget cuts have devised very effective systems of intervention. If your school doesn't, it is because of a lack of will, not a lack of resources.

Finally, if you find your current level of compensation inadequate to be an advocate for your students who need extra time and support, I wonder if you could specify exactly what compensation it requires for you to take an interest in their success.

Rick DuFour

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I believe that people’s home life is not as it used to be when I was growing up. I am a parent of an 11 YO and an 8 YO. This generation of parents is living for themselves. They are very selfish in my opinion. They choose things that they want and having to monitor their child’s homework is not one of them. Anything school related is left up to teachers. It is not the child’s fault for not doing the homework, it is the teacher’s fault for assigning too much homework. It is not the child’s fault for failing a test, it is the teacher’s fault for not teacher the material correctly. Parents and children need to take responsibility for their own actions. If the doctor in the scenario does not go home and read about new procedures, medicines, treatments, etc., what will happen to the patients? If we do not teach our students and parents that not all learning is on the shoulders of the teachers, what will happen to these kids in the future? That is the point, these are children and they are smart, let’s not allow them to be lazy.
Unfortunately, the question still remains, what is the correct way to approach incomplete homework? Maybe we should hold parents accountable for their child not completing assignments and they can come in and monitor the afterschool program that tutors students and makes sure they complete assignments.

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Allison McFarlan

I'm going to have to agree that we as teachers have to take on greater responsibility when it comes to the academic success of our students. What if you teach younger children and they are not told to do their homework. Or, if you had older children and their parents are unable to help with homework. We can't punish our children for things that they cannot control.

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I appreciate the visual image about the two philosophies about how to approach students who need intervention. You asked the question about which school holds students accountable and which school enables irresponsible behavior. As a professional educator it is our mission to move beyond the old philosophy that a failing grade is a punishment and that a student can learn to be responsible once they have experienced a failing grade. Therefore, the teacher is enabling the student to be irresponsible, and in turn, the teacher is being irresponsible too. By taking the approach of not letting students off of the “hook,” teachers will create a model environment for students to get the help they need. Education is not a one size fits all; we need to cater to the “whole student.” By instituting an alternative working environment that holds students accountable you create a new reputation and standard for all students. Students and teachers need to be held accountable and responsible; life doesn’t always offer an easy way out.

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brunfn your right in a perfect world students would listen and be effective students. Although, realistically that is not the case. As educators it is our job to meet the needs of all students, focusing on what they need to learn, and are they comprehending what we are teaching. Through PLC we are given the opportunity to collaborate with other staff members regarding students needs and success.

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I also like jaellner's 'doctor' metaphor, and agree that if we are true PLCs then the schools must take on a great deal of responsibility toward teaching the students to be responsible. My concern is that often the schools and teachers in my district are doing just that, but the parents are not holding up their end of the bargain. I get notes from parents making excuses for missing assignments. Calls to students' parents regarding missing work or poor behavior are also met with excuses. My students are expected to make up missing work in school, but this has not curbed the problem. They prefer to have 'lunch detention' and make up missing assignments rather than spend their time outside of school doing any type of schoolwork.

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j brent

jaellner stated, "But the actual metaphor would be, “Doctors tell patients to eat healthy foods and make good healthy decisions. However, if the patient chooses not to and gets sick, the doctor will be asked to stay late at work with that patient, cook with that patient, and then supervise that patient while he eats a healthy meal.”" sums up reality to fantasy of expectations of teachers.

I have just read three journals that point out aggression, hyperactivity, and withdrawn behavior all stem from poverty,parents with little education, parental depression, ethnic minority status, parents who have been incarcerated and disorders. (Hay, Hudson, Liang, 2010), (Sektnan, McClelland, Acock,Morrison 2010), (Ziv, Alva, Zill 2009) Zir's article stated genetics and environment played a major role in these students behavior and even with interventions such as attending Head Start did not change their behavior after two years. Reading further in Hay's article he states, "Longitudinal research has demonstrated that early-onset conduct problems are associated with neurocognitive deficits." I guess next they will tell teachers we need to donate genes to students or bring students into our homes so we can change their environment.

In reality, research means very little because researchers are comparing the past to the present. Research is based on theories and studies that have limitations. History continually changes. Technology, morals, discipline, teaching standards, teacher accountability and classroom dynamics have changed. Reflection helps an individual improve themselves but only an individual can actually make choices that lead to change. Teachers can not play the role of "God" or "Mohammad", "Buddha".


Hay., D.,F. et al. Links between preschool children's prosocial skills and aggressive conduct problems: The contribution of ADHD symptoms. Early Childhood Research Quarterly (2010), doi:10.16/j.ecresq.2010.01.003

Ziv, Y., et al. Understanding Head Start children's problem behaviors in teh context of arrest or incarceration of household members. Early Childhood Research Quarterly (2010), DOI:10.1016/j.ecresq.2009.12.002

Sektnan, M. et al. Relations between early family risk, children's behavioral regulation, and academic achievement. Early Childhood Research Quarterly (2010), doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.010.02.005

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In a perfect world all students listen, work hard and always give maximum effort. In a perfect world we have parent and administrative support. But what is the reality? Many times these factors do not exist, it is up to us to motivate our students to meet the goals we have set for them. Through PLCs we can work together and come up with strategies to meet the needs of our students.

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I do believe that we are dealing with a different type of student than we were. Getting a zero on any assignment was not an option in my mother's house. She held me accountable for my actions in school and every where else. Some parents do not hold their kids accountable and it is true that some students opt for the zero. However, as teachers and members of our PLCs we must hold them accountable. We must let them know that I am going to hold your feet to the fire until you understand that you must do your assignments;this not only in school but life. I let my students know that going to school is their only job right now. How you handle school may be an indicator of how you handle yourself later in life. I remind that life does carry on without you and if I exhibited their behavior at my job then I would not have a job for very long. Basically schools need to hold students accountable for their work and make tutorials a directive and not an option.

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I totally agree with the example that MaryBC posted and I think it is a very creative way to explain how teachers are being held responsible for students that simply refuse to do the work. That being said, I don't want to just complain in this post. These are real concerns and most of us probably face them in all of our classes. Michelle asked if we knew any schools that stopped giving homework. My school has no policy against homework, but we have been strongly encouraged by our administration to tone it down because of parent complaints. We are all about customer service. However, when looking at our Instructional Focus Calendar that we get from the downtown office, we still need to cover the material by the end of the year. We have tried to come up with different strategies in our PLC, but most of it just involves compacting instruction. We are covering the material, but there is no depth. Some of my PLC members want to just give them the work and let them fail if they don't do it. Others want to come up with creative ways to make it almost impossible to fail. I find myself on the fence on this issue. My job is to teach and do everything I can to help them learn, but it is still their job to learn the material. I do spend a lot of time trying to be more creative to try and hook the student's interest, but I often think with going about this half way, I am doing a disservice to the students that are willing to do the work and learn the material that needs to be learned. Many of these creative ideas are hatched in our PLC's, but we still have those that just can't seem to be reached. Has anyone out there had similar problems? Like the doctor in MaryBC's post, I want to help those that are willing to take the advice and do the hard work, and the others, well, I'll give them the advice, and see what happens. Still, I know I need to find some way to reach these other 'patients' because they need to be reached. I know I'm not the only one with these concerns and I would like to bring some new ideas / voices to my weekly PLC.

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I have also heard that in some schools, it is against school policy to assign homework. As a teacher and the parent of teenagers, I have a great many concerns about this policy. My children take high school honor's classes and rarely have homework. I'm afraid that they are not being prepared for the typical college work load. Why are we lowering our standards to cater to those students who are unmotivated and apathetic? Instead, we should give more consideration to the bright, gifted students who deserve the best education we can offer. Instruction should be planned for the best students in a class and, when necessary, modified to match the needs of individuals with disabilities.

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Michelle, I am a teacher who does not give homework to my students. There are a few reasons for this...first, I work in a residential center where the students live right on campus. When I was giving homework, my students would tell me that they did not have time to complete it themselves and their cottage staff was doing it. You always have to wonder when you give homework who is actually doing the work? Second, I feel too many teachers assign homework when the work does not get done in class. This is a big problem for me. I try to teach my students that as long as you are truly giving me your all during the day, then if they have to go back to it tomorrow then that is fine with me. My students are mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed so it is hard for them to see the benefits of homework.

Another thing, I will keep my students back from their "specials" if they have decided that they just don't feel like working today. If they don't get it done then, they will stay after school which makes them miss their schedualed recreation time and have cottage consequenses. If it becomes a habit, then they are placed in an academic special instead of their choice of special. I know not all schools can do this, but it's a great incentive for them to complete assignments.

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What if students refuse to work. They do not care. I used several strategies with them, but still I am not able to catch their attention. What should I do?

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I also like the doctor metaphor however I went into this field to make a difference. It is more time consuming to make sure students do their homework, plan, instruct, meet etc. I always have in the forefront that there is a reason why some children aren't doing their work or performing poorly. I don't like the idea of doing parents job but what I dislike even worse is not doing everything I can to see these child succeed.

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I have been told that there are several schools in my area that are no longer assigning homework, which to me sounds like "lowering the bar". Teachers have homework, lesson plans to prepare, papers to grade, conferences, etc. I know that teachers should attempt to make every child successful, but it does not hurt to let them experience failure. I am on the fence on this issue. Do you give a student a failing grade for incomplete assignments or do you make them complete the assignment? I know I do not agree with no homework. Are there schools in your area(s) that are no longer assigning homework?

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I love the doctor metaphor- don't forget the docs do not also have to buy their own gloves (supplies). I do however feel that something has to be done, and we need to see a change. I do feel the same time constraints as everyone else in education but one of the things that have been successful for me is to truly get to know the student. I do this by finding out what interests them and make it a writing prompt, writing personal notes of encouragement, and attending plays, soccer, etc. Now of course most people might say that takes up too much time, but believe me I waste that time on the daily fight with those children not succeeding. I think if we had a REAL PLC where teachers, parents, administrators, community members, and legislation came together with time and resources this is a goal that could come to fruition. Children who are not doing the work are most likely not going to be scared by the threat of failure. With that come TRUE teacher support. Show us the assistance and show us the money!

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I agree that students should be held accountable for learning. Giving a student a failing grade and not requiring the assignment to be completed is not teaching responsibility. In my high school math classes, students were expected to complete assignments. If the work was turned in late, there was a deduction in points. If a student did not take the responsibility for the assignment on his own time, he was asked to come to class during club or activity time. Unfortunately, the administrator of our school did not support this approach. He felt that academic consequences should be given for academic infractions. In other words, give the student a zero for not completing the assignment. He would not allow us to issue consequences like mandatory study hall. He even accused me of being insensitive to our underprivileged students when I made the suggestion. My position is that we are hurting our students by not holding them academically accountable. Math is a skill that requires practice. Students must practice in order to learn.

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Each day, I struggle with trying to hold my students accountable. As you've said, most students would rather take a zero or failing grade instead of doing the work. I'd love to find a great strategy for making students do the work. I don't have such a strategy. I like the article; however, I'd like to hear specific ways to accomplish the goal. For example, who would be taking the students to a place to complete homework? My school is strapped for cash as it is. We don't have the money to hire another employee. Also, when are these students doing this work? Are they leaving class time? How is that beneficial? Then, they're missing new information because they didn't do old work. Also, you might have some students who would prefer this environment and continue not to do their work. Like I said, it sound great. I just don't know how it could effectively be put into practice at my school.

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What you've said has some merit. However, the biggest difference is that in one case we are dealing with adults who are making poor decisions, while in the other, children are making poor decisions. That, in my opinion, is why we have adults in schools to begin with. If students made the right choices and did the right things, we would not be necessary.

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This holding them accountable all sounds great - until you look at expectations that teachers will now be taking the place of the parents in providing supervision as well as a time and place to complete homework.

I already have a job that requires 9 hours at work plus time at home preparing work and grading papers. I honestly don't have the time - or sufficient financial motivation - to now act in lieu of parents in providing support for the kids to do homework. And my district has no money to put such a program in place. Teachers will (as always) be asked to work extra hours for free.

I'm sure the answer will be "the school needs to provide appropriate support, then." But the school will not.

jaellner Says:

"I look at it like doctors, they tell patients to eat healthy and make good healthy decisions, however if the patient chooses not to and gets sick. Doctors still treat the patient. So teachers are like medicine for the students who get “sick”."

But the actual metaphor would be, "Doctors tell patients to eat healthy foods and make good healthy decisions. However, if the patient chooses not to and gets sick, the doctor will be asked to stay late at work with that patient, cook with that patient, and then supervise that patient while he eats a healthy meal."

Beyond that, NCLB would now hold the doctor accountable for "producing" patients who aren't making healthy decisions. A doctor who has a certain percentage of overweight or smoking patients would, under the current model, have his practice shut down by the state. He's a "failing" doctor.

Only in education.

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bhoelscher asks about what schools do when students move through the pyramid of interventions for homework non-completion. One thing to consider is whether the interventions are really addressing the reasons students aren't doing their homework. Sometimes students don't complete homework because they have no one at home who checks to see if it's completed or because the teachers respond by giving the student a zero and don't require completion. Our school used a "lunch and learn" response; students who didn't have the homework went to a study hall at lunch time the day the work was due to complete their assignment. When the entire school responds collectively in the same way, this will help the majority of the students who don't do homework. However, there will still be some students who continue to be irresponsible. In this case students need to know that the response will get more "invasive". For example, in our middle school teams of teachers required students who were missing multiple assignments to stay after school during our activity period. They lost the opportunity to participate in clubs and sports until the work was done. Teachers worked together to assure that students attended. Occasionally students had to be "reminded to attend" by having an adult greet them at the end of the day to walk them to the study period. For students who continued to avoid work completion, the guidance counselor made a connection and often worked one-on-one to make sure that work was completed. This is a time to check to make sure the student is not experiencing academic difficulty. We know that sometimes students who choose not to do the work for a period of time will be unable to do the work as a result. For the very few students who moved to this level who still didn't respond, consideration was made that emotional issues might be the underlying cause and the student was provided additional support in that area. Students were given an "I" as a grade rather than the "average" grade using a zero for the missing work. Thus, no credit for incomplete work, but a continued opportunity to do the work and receive the credit.

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If we truly embrace the philosophy behind PLC it is a collaborative effort between all parties involved in the learning process: teacher, students, families and communities. Teachers are the experts in the field, so therefore shouldn't the schools assume a greater responsibility? I look at it like doctors, they tell patients to eat healthy and make good healthy decisions, however if the patient chooses not to and gets sick. Doctors still treat the patient. So teachers are like medicine for the students who get "sick".

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Leading for Results Quotation: Gain clarity by developing “teachable points of view” « Leading for Results—Dennis Sparks' Blog

[...] learning, and the role of parents and other community members in improving teaching and learning. (“Do PLCs Enable Students to Act Irresponsibly . . .?” is an example of carefully-considered and well-expressed point of view on a topic of relevance to [...]

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We are running into a situation in which our students are moving through the pyramid of interventions for homework non-completion and are still refusing to do the work. What are other schools doing to intervene with these students and what can we do when students have multiple zeros and we have to post midterm or term grades?

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